CMAA Kickoff Meeting

CMAA Kickoff Meeting
Tuesday, 1/26 at 6PM
Learn about CMAA and being a part of a professional organization that values education, training and networking. Join us in-person and virtually.
Seminole Golf Club, Rm 203A
Must RSVP prior to attending in person.
Hosted via Zoom
ID: 977 9302 6544
CMAA at FSU - Info Meeting

CMAA at FSU - Info Meeting
Thursday, 12/3 at 5:30PM
Have an interest in private clubs, hospitality, or travel? Join us for an informative session about what being a member of CMAA can do for you!
Please email Steven Smith (membership chair) with any questions.
Hosted via Zoom
CMAA Dec. Info Meeting

CMAA Dec. Info Meeting
Wednesday, 12/2 from 7-8PM
Join us to learn more about the benefits of being a CMAA student member. Gain access to the Private Club Industry's up-to-date research, trends, resources, and more!
Hosted via Zoom

Thursday, 10/22 at 6PM
Join us! Accept challenges, answer riddles, solve the mystery.
Hosted by FSU Campus Recreation
There are only 24 spots. You must RSVP by October 20th.
Club Tours Week

Club Tours Week
Monday, 10/5 at 3PM
Coral Creek Club
Zoom Meeting ID: 916 4505 5726
Wednesday, 10/7 at 3PM
Tampa Yacht & Country Club
Zoom Meeting ID: 948 6037 2252
Friday, 10/9 at 3PM
TPC Sawgrass
Zoom Meeting ID: 931 5540 6271