Please answer the following survey honestly and to your best recollection. Your answers will help to provide future students better prepare for a successful internship experience. Student Information First Name Last Name Email Internship Supervisor Company/Organization Training Did your internship supervisor... Orient you to the area of his/her department? - Select -YesNo Introduce you to other members of the team? - Select -YesNo Clearly spell out expectations? - Select -YesNo Allow you to shadow team members before giving you responsibilities? - Select -YesNo Share ideas, activities, techniques and strategies for learning? - Select -YesNo Provide you with training materials? - Select -YesNo Help you become totally familiar with the site operation/organization? - Select -YesNo Open availability for help and/or support when you needed it? - Select -YesNo Act kind and helpful during the training period? - Select -YesNo Comments Post-Training Did your internship supervisor... Give you specific suggestions for improvement whenever he/she identified weaknesses or areas of concern? - Select -YesNo Help you become analytical of the working process and encouraged self-evaluation? - Select -YesNo Encourage you to use your own ideas and display initiative as you became more proficient? - Select -YesNo Provide you with regularly scheduled reviews? - Select -YesNo Make you feel like part of the team? - Select -YesNo Treat you like more than a seasonal worker, allowing you to learn about the business? - Select -YesNo Allow you to complete your required learning objectives? - Select -YesNo Allow you to shadow other department leaders? - Select -YesNo Hold a final evaluation with you; you knew approximately where you stood prior to the conference; weaknesses listed did not come as a surprise; the final evaluation served as the culmination of an on-going process? - Select -YesNo Comments Final Thoughts Would you recommend this internship to another student? - Select -YesNo Did you accomplish your goals for this internship? - Select -YesNo Was the housing and pay adequate? - Select -YesNo Would you go back to this property to work permanently? - Select -YesNo Do you have any suggestions for the next intern at this property? - Select -YesNo CAPTCHA Math question 10 + 5 = Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4. Submit