Peter Kim Ph.D.

Peter Kim is a Visiting Professor in the Dedman College of Hospitality at Florida State University. Prior to embarking on his academic career, he gained extensive experience in the hospitality industry, working from the entry-level positions to management roles at various international hotel chains such as Park Hyatt, Sofitel, Marriott, and Westin.
Peter has actively contributed to the international academic community through his current editorial and leadership appointments in prestigious journals and professional associations. He serves as an Editor for the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, the flagship journal of the International Council of Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (CHRIE), and is a Past President of Asia Pacific CHRIE (2018-2019).
Peter is also a Professor in the School of Hospitality and Tourism and a Co-Leader of the Pacific Tourism Data Initiative (PTDI) Research Team at Auckland University of Technology. PTDI project, funded by New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, aims to enhance evidence-based tourism decision-making in the Pacific to support sustainable economic development.
Fields of Study
- Service Management and Marketing
- Leadership and Organizational studies
- Research Methods
- Ph.D., Hospitality and Tourism Management Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- M.S., Hospitality Management Ohio State University
Selected Publications
- Kim, P. B., Miao, L., & van der Rest, J. P. (2021). JHTR: 2021-2025 and Beyond. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 45(5), 759-760.
- Doan, T., Mooney, S., & Kim, P. B. (2023). The moments of truth: A qualitative exploration of service interactions between employees with disabilities in the food service industry, and their customers. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 115, 103602.
- Kanjanakan, P., Wang, P. Q., & Kim, P. B. (2023). The empowering, the empowered, and the empowerment disparity: A multilevel analysis of the integrated model of employee empowerment. Tourism management, 94, 104635.
- Lin, M. T. B., Zhu, D., Liu, C., & Kim, P. B. (2022). A meta-analysis of antecedents of pro-environmental behavioral intention of tourists and hospitality consumers. Tourism Management, 93, 104566.
- Zhu, D., Kim, P. B., Milne, S., & Park, I. J. (2024). How does the career commitment of hospitality employees change across career stages? A multilevel investigation into occupational self-efficacy and family support. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 120, 103748.
- The Conference Best Paper Award, The 75th Annual Conference of ICHRIE, July 2021.
- The Conference Best Paper Award, The 26th Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality & Tourism, January 2021.
- Robert Johnston Award, March 2020 – The Outstanding Journal Article Award – Journal of Service Management.
- Charles R. Goeldner Article of Excellence Award, June 2019 – Journal of Travel Research.
- Faculty Research Excellence Award, Auckland University of Technology, November 2018.
- Vice Chancellor’s Research Excellence Award, Auckland University of Technology, November 2011.
Editorial Appointments
Editor (2021-current)
- Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research
Coordinating Editor (2014-current)
- International Journal of Hospitality Management
Editorial Board (current)
- Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research
- Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
- Employee Relations
- International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
- Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management
- Journal of Service Management
- Journal of Travel Research